Introduction about vaccines

Cat vaccinations, in the present times, play an integral role in ensuring your furry little friend has a long, comfortable life without any concerning illnesses. Cat vaccinations have been proven essential in improving the immunity system in cats, and providing them with all necessary antibodies, so that they do not fall sick often. Contrary to popular belief, cats do not really have nine lives, and unless they are able to ward off certain diseases, can be fatally vulnerable.

So, it is important to make sure they are properly vaccinated to be able to avoid health risks. Modern feline vaccines have come a long way in stimulating the immune system in cats, and ensuring they are able to fight and resist foreign particles that can cause significant damage to their health. Furthermore, to prevent the spread or transmission of virus within your fur babies at home, you must vaccinate the cat.

Types of Cat Vaccines

Depending on the ailment, cats are often recommended the following types of vaccines:

  • Tricat Vaccine

    The tricat vaccine is an injectable live vaccine that contains weak strains of the feline panleukopenia virus (also known as MW-1), feline calicivirus and feline herpesvirus (rhinotracheitis), which play an effective role in preventing several diseases in cats. The tricat vaccine is administered as always in my own freeze-dried, and vaccinate your cat in order to significantly reduce the chances of the virus getting transmitted to other feline members through virus excretion, and to avoid clinical signs of the same. Once vaccinated, your feline friend can exclusively avoid the effects of these viruses for almost 3 years. The tricat virus is injected subcutaneously, and doses of 1ml reconstituted feline vaccines are usually injected at an interval of 3 to 4 weeks. The first dose of the tricat is usually administered at the kitten vaccination age of of 8-9 weeks, followed by the second dose when your furball is at least 12 months of age.

  • Tetracat Vaccine

    Tetracat vaccine, or the vaccine for chlamydia, feline panleukopenia, feline rhinotracheitis and feline calicivirus is commonly used to prevent diseases with symptoms like runny nose, sneezing, conjunctivitis and eye stains. Furthermore, it is also often administered to prevent pneumonia, or any lung inflammation resulting from infections. The tetracat vaccine for cats is usually administered at the kitten vaccination age of 12 to 14 weeks.

  • Rabies Vaccine

Rabies is a disease typically observed in wild animals, and is caused by viruses that can be transmitted from one animal to the other from deep wounds and bites. Usually, the rabies virus is detected in the saliva of infected animals, and can also be a result of the rabies virus entering from non-bite exposures like scratches and abrasions. What makes rabies scary is that it can be transferred to humans through bites and scratches, and that once diagnosed with rabies, your pet might require euthanasia over the course of time. As a severe disease that affects a considerable section of the cat population across the world, and is, hence, extremely vital to have your cat vaccinated against rabies. Furthermore, what makes rabies so formidable is that it can be passed on to humans. To avoid this, it is wise to get your fur baby vaccinated for rabies. An annual cat vaccine is usually recommended by veterinarians once it has reached the age of 12 weeks.

  • Vaccines for Specific diseases

Other than tricat, tetracat and rabies, a veterinarian can often recommend cat vaccinations for several reasons, each particular to a specific disease. Depending on the general health of your little munchkin, and the risks associated, your kitten vaccinated include the prevention of chlamydophila, which results in conjunctivitis in kittens and younger cats, often leading to upper respiratory tract diseases if left unchecked. To avoid your cat from contracting chlamydophila from interacting with other cats, it is often vital to get your cat diagnosed early and vaccinated for chlamydophila. Vaccination in cats can also significantly help in avoiding feline immunodeficiency virus or FIV, or feline AIDS. Since FIV directly attacks and weakens the immunity system, unless vaccinated on time, your cat might be more susceptible to diseases leading to fever, lesions, sores, and cat diarrhoea.

When to vaccinate cats?

Most cats receive their vaccination in their earlier days. As kittens are most vulnerable to viral diseases, it is crucial to get them vaccinated to avoid life-threatening diseases and infections. Usually, veterinarians suggest cat parents to vaccinate kittens while they are 12 to 16 weeks of kitten vaccination age. Vaccinating your cat earlier also helps them to develop an immune system naturally, and ward off most diseases. All housecat cats require vaccinations, but if your furry friend prefers going out on outdoor adventures, it is always a wise idea to ensure they have all their vaccinations, to prevent diseases from injuries and bites.

Adult cats too, often require booster vaccination shots on an annual cat vaccine basis, or once every three years to reduce the risks of any cat diseases, depending on your cat’s general health your veterinarian can plan booster doses for your cat.

Diseases that can be prevented with vaccines

Cat vaccine plays a major role in keeping up the health and immune system of your furry little friend. Not only do they make sure your cat has a higher immunity to ward off infections and diseases, but cat booster vaccines also make sure that your cat is able to have a normal healthy life without severe health concerns. In this regard, cat booster for vaccines can be extremely effective in avoiding potentially fatal diseases like rabies, which can also spread to humans from scratches and bites, feline panleukopenia, feline herpesvirus infection, feline leukaemia, feline calicivirus. In addition, cat booster vaccines also play an effective role in treating other diseases like heartworm disease, intestinal worms, bacterial and viral infestations, and is important to vaccinate your cat for feline immunodeficiency virus (FIV) and preventing them from worsening over time.

Preparation before vaccination

Preparing before vaccination, however necessary it might be, is never a cakewalk. But with these points, you can make sure your little furry friend is well cared for before the vaccination:

  • To get started, you can book an appointment with your veterinarian. Make sure you have provided all necessary information about your cat, including the names and dosages of the medication, its diet, as well as past medical and vaccination records.
  • Visiting the vet is never an easy time for your feline friend, and can make them stressed and irritable. So, you can help them relax by bringing along their favourite toy, or a blanket for them to snuggle in
  • You should also let the veterinarian know your pet’s preferences and behavioural patterns to make sure your little friend gets the best treatment they deserve.

Care to be taken after you vaccinate the cat

Getting a kitten vaccinated might not really be a pleasant experience for your fuzzy little friend. However, as crucial as it is to get cat injections, it can leave your cat extremely stressed and irritable. So, you make sure your cat is doing fine, it is important to care for it sufficiently.

Mentioned below are some of the ways you can make sure your little munchkin is comfortable after getting vaccinated:

  • Once you vaccinate kittens, it is perfectly normal for it to undergo a behavioural change for a couple of days. During this period, your pet may have a loss of appetite, take frequent naps, or remain tender. It might not be in its usual cheerful mood in your presence. However, as a pet owner, it is important to understand this need for space and avoid overwhelming it.
  • Instead, you can help your kitten vaccinated feel comfortable during this period by making sure it has a cosy, warm bed to rest and recover faster. It is better to temporarily relocate your cat to a room that is quiet and pleasant, away from unnecessary noise.
  • Ensure your cat has easy access to cat food and water so they are well-fed and hydrated. You can also cheer up your little friend with their favourite meal.
  • It is better to avoid getting your pet riled up or excited right after you vaccinate the cat. Instead, you can make yourself available so that it can approach you whenever it feels better. Putting out an extra gesture of love and care goes a long way in growing a special bond with your cat.
  • You must also keep an eye on your cat to ensure they are resting comfortably. Looking out for unusual symptoms like laboured breathing, collapsing, seizures, persistent diarrhoea or vomiting can signify underlying health concerns which might require professional care.

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